(English) Bärbel Reuter: Islam as it is Lived out in Cairo Today by Female Islamists
(English) Bärbel Reuter’s dissertation is a worthwhile compilation of 7 years of studying Islam as it is lived out in Egypt today. In this distinctive study, Reuter presents the opinions and viewpoints of younger women in Cairo who „feel deeply tied to the Islamic movement” (p. 246). This particular spectrum (or stream) of Islam called Islamism affects more than just individual behavior of a believer and how he/she personally applies their religious beliefs, it encompasses every aspect of the participant’s life and is considered an effective force for changing society which in turn brings changes to the political realm.
Weiterlesen →(English) Hans-Georg Eber (Ed.): Articles on Islamic Law
(English) The contributions in this volume are based on speeches held in 1999 at the annual convention of the Incorporated Society for Arabic and Islamic Law, established in 1998. The society has taken on the task of elaborating fundamental issues, in theory and in practise, of the Islamic law of the Middle East and of presenting the legal sources, often difficult to find, as principles of law.
Weiterlesen →(English) Andreas Feldtkeller: Die ‘Mutter der Kirchen’ im ‘Haus des Islam’
(English) This comprehensive post-doctoral thesis by religion and missiological theologian A. Feldtkeller, who now chairs at Humboldt University of Berlin, examines the coexistence of Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem and surrounding area from the time of the Arabic-Islamic conquest to the present.
Weiterlesen →(English) H. H. Elsäßer; I. Goldmann: Wortschatz Politik – Wirtschaft – Geographie
(English) In relation with globalisation the political vocabulary of the Arabic language has developed and changed. This dictionary is both recommendable and comprehensive and contains political as well as geographical terms, names of key figures of the international and Arab world and mentions news agencies and organisations.
Weiterlesen →(English) Murad Hofmann: Der Islam im 3. Jahrtausend. Eine Religion im Aufbruch
(English) This book by Murad Hofmann on “Islam in the Third Millennium – a Religion on the Rise” has been published in German only. Murad Wilfried Hofmann, a doctor of law and for many years a German ambassador, has his claim to fame as a cele29 brity. He converted to Islam over 20 years ago, made various pilgrimages to Mecca and has written some very well known promotional materials for Islam.
Weiterlesen →(English) Muhammad and his wifes
(English) When Islam is the subject, the topic „Women in Islam“ is also frequently discussed. This is not merely the result of controversial books on Islam (like Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses) or of the problems associated with a “parallel society”, or of the visible external differences between Muslim and non-Muslim women. The reports from human rights organizations on the situation of women in Islamic countries and the autobiographical accounts of Muslim women also fuel the debate about the acculturation of Muslim women in Western culture, under the rubric of “Women’s Rights in Islam“, for example.
Weiterlesen →(English) William Montgomery Watt: Muslim-Christian Encounters
(English) In his book W. M. Watt, meanwhile Emeritus Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, describes the background of some myths and misconceptions defining the Muslim-Christian relationship partly until the present time. According to nowadays’ understanding of scientific approaches it is unpopular to write about a “testimony” and some “fruits of faith”. W. M. Watt as an authority in this realm does so in his book. His central message is that Muslims and Christians should aim at a fruitful and lively dialoge in mutual respect towards each other’s religion and values by getting to know each other better.
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