(English) Ralph Ghadban: Tariq Ramadan and the Islamisation of Europe
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Weiterlesen →(English) Beltheshazzar & Abednego: The Mosque and its Role in Society
(English) The building of new mosques in traditional European cities does not only change and affect the landscape but also sets a signal for a lasting presence of a religion which will not be satisfied to publicly only address issues relating to religion affairs, but rather wants to be a religion which will increasingly be an impressive and decisive voice in societal and political matters. The authors of this small booklet entitled “The Mosque and its Role in Society” are concerned to present a concise treaty to inform about the self-understanding of Islam.
Weiterlesen →(English) Irshad Manji: The trouble with Islam: A wake-up call for honesty and change
(English) An amazing book! It starts with an open letter to Muslims and Irshad Manji’s honest confession about her struggles with Islam. In spite of calling herself a Muslim refusenik (www.mus she does not desire to leave Islam; but neither is she prepared to close her eyes to the problems and troubles with Islam.
Weiterlesen →(English) David Cook: Understanding Jihad
(English) “Islam is peace”. This sentence could be heard especially frequently after September 11 th , 2001, from groups within organized Islam in Germany. It was said that there was no “holy war” in Islam, that “jihad” was to be understood as a moral-spiritual “effort” to walk “on the path of God” (“Great Jihad”). It was proclaimed that Islam abhors every kind of violence against human beings, apart from the right to self-defense (“Small Jihad”). The word “Islam”, of course, has the same linguistic root (s-l-m) as the word “salam” (peace), but is really a different word, and means “submission, devotion”.
Weiterlesen →(English) Islamisation in Eastern Europe – A case study of Arraid in Ukraine
(English) The concept of Wasaṭiyya (from al-wasaṭ, middle, in Arabic) has been increasingly promoted in recent years. Originating from the Muslim Brotherhood (al-Ikhwān al- Muslimūn), it is often referred to as ‘Islamic centrism’ and Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī is featured as its major proponent. The stress is on presenting Islam as a moderate and adaptable religion, with focus on families and social participation. The Wasaṭiyya ideas found a fertile ground in some surprising contexts. An example is Ukraine, a predominantly Orthodox country in Eastern Europe. Arraid, a group purporting these principles of Wasaṭiyya, has been gaining influence there among the local Muslim community as well as among non-Muslims.
Weiterlesen →Kein Beweis für göttliche Offenbarung des Korans in ägyptischen Inschriften
Seit gut dreißig Jahren ist die Behauptung, dass der Korantext wissenschaftlich nachweisbar ein Wunderwerk ist, ein wichtiges muslimisches Argument für den Wahrheitsanspruch des Islam. Mit dieser Behauptung wird intensiv für den Islam geworben. In muslimischen Publikationen werden inzwischen mindestens 200 verschiedene angeblich wissenschaftlich nachprüfbare Beweise für den Wundercharakter des Korans aufgeführt. Es wurde dazu folgendes recherchiert:
Weiterlesen →Die Ahmadiyya-Bewegung
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad rief sie vor dem Hintergrund der christlich-islamischen Kontroverse zwischen christlichen Missionaren und islamischen Gelehrten des britisch besetzten Indien ins Leben. Nachdem Mirza Ghulam Ahmad anfänglich nur proklamiert hatte, Offenbarungen von Gott erhalten zu haben, verfestigte sich sein Anspruch bald dahingehend, ein von Gott beauftragter Prophet zu sein, auch wenn er nicht mit einer gesetzgebenden Schrift gesandt sei wie Mose, Jesus oder Muhammad.
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