
(English) William Montgomery Watt: Muslim-Christian Encounters

(English) In his book W. M. Watt, meanwhile Emeritus Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, describes the background of some myths and misconceptions defining the Muslim-Christian relationship partly until the present time. According to nowadays’ understanding of scientific approaches it is unpopular to write about a “testimony” and some “fruits of faith”. W. M. Watt as an authority in this realm does so in his book. His central message is that Muslims and Christians should aim at a fruitful and lively dialoge in mutual respect towards each other’s religion and values by getting to know each other better.

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(English) Hans Zirker: Der Koran. Zugänge und Lesarten

(English) Hans Zirker is professor for Catholic Fundamental Theology at the University of Essen and has herewith published a further book on „Islam“. In five chapters, he proves his ability to give an introduction into basic facts about Qur’anic studies for nonexperts and to provide insiders with fascinating insights into and new perspectives of this theme.

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(English) Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri: The Elements of Sufism

(English) Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri grew up in a family of wellknown Shaykhs in Kerbala in Iraq. He studied natural sciences and technology in Europe and USA and was long employed as an industrial consultant. Having found his way back to the roots of Islam, he is now actively involved in philosophy and writing. At the same time, he travels and teaches exten-sively.

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(English) Thomas Eich: Bio-ethics in Islam

(English) Anyone labouring under the illusion that the bio-ethical debate on questions such as artificial insemination, cloning, surrogate motherhood, abortion after prenatal screening or sex preference for implanted foetuses is limited to the West should be set right by this slim volume.

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(English) Monika Gronke: History of Iran. From Islamisation to the present day

(English) Already in its introduction, the “History of Iran” presents the reader with a concise description of the geography and the multinational problems of Iran.

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(English) Henner Fürtig. Concise History of Iraq

(English) Henner Fürtig addresses his book to the great number of interested people who may be worried and concerned at the same time. Consequently it is a book on the current situation. Pre-Christian, pre- and early Islamic Mesopotamia as well as the Osmanic, British and German influence in Iraq until the time of the two World Wars are only touched upon briefly.

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(English) Jane Dammen McAuliffe (Ed.): The Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an

(English) After approximately four decades the “battleship” of modern Islam studies, the Encyclopaedia of Islam (“EI”), was completed and published by the renowned publisher E.J. Brill in eleven large volumes and on CD-ROM. At the same time this publisher issued another encyclopedia: the Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an (“EQ”). One might wonder about the publication of an encyclopedia in addition to the EI. There seem to be two main reasons for this.

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