Yearly Archives: 2001

Islam and Christianity Nr. 2/2001 (1. Jg.)

  Contents: Editorial Unanswered questions about Islamic Religious Instruction in the Public Schools (Christine Schirrmacher) „The Curriculum for Islamic Religious Education“ – Some Critical Remarks (Eberhard Troeger) The Central Council of Muslims in Germany (Petra Uphoff) Muslim traditions Journals: al-Mushir Book Reviews PDF: Islam and Christianity Nr. 2/2001 (1. Jg.)

Islam and Christianity Nr. 0/2001 (1. Jg.)

  Contents: Editorial How Muslims view Christians – Part 1 (Christine Schirrmacher) “Divine Grace” in the Bible and in the Qur’an (Fritz Goerling) Significance of Muslim tradition (Christine Schirrmacher) Muslim traditions: What is true faith? Book reviews What is “IfI”? Material to order PDF: Islam and Christianity Nr. 0/2001 (1. Jg.)