Islam and Christianity Nr. 2/2005 (5. Jg.)

Institut für Islamfragen

ifi_2_05Sunni and Shii Islam


  • Editorial
  • One Faith, Many Schisms (Eberhard Troeger)
  • “Islam” is not just “Islam”: Sunni and Shiite Islam compared (Christine Schirrmacher)
  • Shiite Ashura Ceremonies: Redemption through Penitence and Suffering (Christine Schirrmacher)
  • Taqiya – The Dictate of Secrecy in Emergency (Christine Schirrmacher)
  • ShiiteTheologians: Ayatollah Khomeini (1902-1989) (Christine Schirrmacher)
  • Muslim Traditions
  • News from the Internet (Daniel Hecker)
  • Book Reviews

PDF: Islam and Christianity Nr. 2/2005 (5. Jg.)