Author Archives: Prof. Dr. Christine Schirrmacher

Honor Killings and Ideas of Honor in Societies of Islamic Character

Honor killings take place today not only in the eastern part of Turkey. In Germany, too, and in the other countries of Europe, women die “for reasons of honor”. Till now, German criminal investigative departments do not compile any separate statistics, but unofficial statistics quote at least 49 honor killings or attempts at such in Germany between 1996 and 2005. The United Nations estimate that ca. 5000 honor killings (along with a high number of unreported cases) have been committed world-wide.

Jane Dammen McAuliffe (Ed.): The Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an

After approximately four decades the “battleship” of modern Islam studies, the Encyclopaedia of Islam (“EI”), was completed and published by the renowned publisher E.J. Brill in eleven large volumes and on CD-ROM. At the same time this publisher issued another encyclopedia: the Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an (“EQ”). One might wonder about the publication of an encyclopedia in addition to the EI. There seem to be two main reasons for this.

Gritt Klinkhammer: Modern Forms of Islamic Life

In her doctoral thesis in sociology, Gritt Klinkhammer examines the manner in which young Muslim-Turkish women of the second and third generation live out their Islamic religious affiliation in Germany. Their parents generally belong to the religiously conservative first “guest worker” generation, from whose life and religious practises the young, educated women clearly want to make a break. The parents encouraged their daughters’ Koran school lessons, for example, or observance of Islamic social rules; however, they were often able to give their “enlightened” daughters little justification and explanation for celebrations, manners and religious obligations – justification demanded by the children in the secular environment. Although these parents have now lived in Germany for up to 35 years, they do not see themselves as “Germans”, nor do their children.

Joseph Croitoru: The Martyr as Weapon

The topic of the German-born Israeli Joseph Croitoru is the historical development of suicide attacks and the ideological background of the movements that train them. His study centres on Muslim terrorists and countries such as Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Algeria, Chechenya and Kurdistan – the majority of attacks are after all perpetrated by Muslims – but also looks at the Third Reich and Asia (Korea, Japan and Kashmir).

Ralph Ghadban: Tariq Ramadan and the Islamisation of Europe

Ralph Ghadban. Tariq Ramadan and the Islamisation of Europe [in German only: Tariq Ramadan und die Islamisierung Europas]. Verlag Hans Schi- ler: Berlin, 2006. 170 pp., 17 €. In this book the Lebanese-born political writer and Islam expert Ralph Ghadban takes a critical look at Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of the founder of the Muslim […]

(Deutsch) Die Ahmadiyya-Bewegung

(Deutsch) Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad rief sie vor dem Hintergrund der christlich-islamischen Kontroverse zwischen christlichen Missionaren und islamischen Gelehrten des britisch besetzten Indien ins Leben. Nachdem Mirza Ghulam Ahmad anfänglich nur proklamiert hatte, Offenbarungen von Gott erhalten zu haben, verfestigte sich sein Anspruch bald dahingehend, ein von Gott beauftragter Prophet zu sein, auch wenn er nicht mit einer gesetzgebenden Schrift gesandt sei wie Mose, Jesus oder Muhammad.