Author Archives: Prof. Dr. Christine Schirrmacher

(Deutsch) Tod und Begräbnis im Islam

(Deutsch) Volksislamische Vorstellungen: „Wenn sich der Todestag eines Menschen nähert, läßt Allah von dem Baum unter seinem Thron das Blatt fallen, auf dem der Name des betreffenden Menschen geschrieben steht.“ Im Augenblick des Todes entzieht der Todesengel Izrâ’îl dem Menschen seine Seele (arab. rûh bzw. nafs).

(Deutsch) Was ist eine Fatwa?

(Deutsch) Fatwas (oder eigentlich im Plural: Fatawa) sind Rechtsgutachten islamischer Gelehrter. Diese Gelehrten erläutern durch eine schriftliche Beurteilung einer bestimmten Frage des islamischen Rechts ihre persönliche Einschätzung. Fatwas werden in eigener Sache oder im Auftrag einer Institution oder eines Herrschers erlassen.

What is the Significance of Islamic Tradition?

Islamic tradition (Arabic: hadith – transmission, tradition, report) is substantially more extensive than the Koran. It is concerned with reports about Mohammed compiled by Muslim theologians in several collections as late as approximately two centuries after his death. These hadithe provide information about how Mohammed (and the first “companions of the Prophet”) lived and which views they held in regard to particular questions. But, the tradition also includes detailed instructions on the necessary ablutions before ritual prayer, explanations of the order of prayer (also in the mosque), regulations for the fast during Ramadan or the pilgrimage to Mecca, clothing regulations for men and women, rites pertaining to Muslim burial, as well as dietary commandments (prohibition of alcohol and pork). In addition, the traditional texts also treat questions of Islamic law, above all of marital and family law, but also of criminal and inheritance law and of the law of testimony.

Has the True Gospel of Jesus Been Found?

The time has finally come: the so-called “Gospel of Barnabas” is now available in German. It carries the title “Das Barnabasevangelium. Wahres Evangelium Jesu, genannt Christus, eines neuen Propheten von Gott, der Welt gesandt, gemäß dem Bericht des Barnabas, seines Apostels“ … The German publication of this text was undertaken by a German married couple which has converted to Islam. Both are members of the mystic Dervish order of the Naqshbandiyya, whose roots extend back into the fourteenth century.

The Islamic view of Christians: Qur’an and Hadith

Muslims (sometimes even Nonmuslims) complain about Christians – or Western society – insisting on portraying Islam as “the enemy”. They believe that Christians especially precondemn Muslims whereas Muslims “tolerate” Christians and accept them “without prejudice”. But is that really the whole picture?

Islamic Views about Christian Scriptures

Among Muslims today, the idea that the text of the Bible has been falsified has long been a part of common belief. It is assumed that the Old as well as the New Testament originally were genuine revelations from God, but that in the course of time they were altered and distorted by human beings. Among Muslim non-theologians, there prevails only a vague knowledge about how these changes were undertaken and to which Biblical statements they are supposed to apply. Muslim theologians, on the other hand, attempt to corroborate the Islamic dogma of the falsification of the Biblical texts with arguments from the historical-critical exegesis of the Bible as practiced by Christian theologians.