(Deutsch) Zusammenfassung des Bundesverfassungsschutzberichtes 2008
(Deutsch) Nach dem Verfassungsschutzbericht 2008 ist Deutschland weiter „Teil eines weltweiten Gefahrenraums“ und befindet sich im „unmittelbaren Zielspektrum islamistisch-terroristischer Gruppierungen“.
Weiterlesen →IfI Press Release on the Occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21, 2009
Bonn (March 26, 2009) – Islam scholar Prof. Dr. Christine Schirrmacher from the Institute of Islamic Studies, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, has warned against condemning statements critical of Islam as an expression of racism.
Weiterlesen →Stefan Wild: God, Man and Prophet in the Koran
Wild’s essay provides a clearlywritten and useful summary of the Koranic view of God and human beings. His discussion of Islamic and non-Islamic concepts of revelation brings out clearly the immense gulf which continues to separate the two positions.
Weiterlesen →Christoph Burgmer (Ed.): The Koran in Dispute. The Luxenberg Thesis: The Debate so Far
The year 2000 saw the pseudonymous publication of “The Reading of the Koran” setting out Christoph Luxenberg’s thesis that certain passages of the Koran should be understood not according to the Arabic sense of the words but to an underlying Syriac-Aramaic sense, thereby giving the Koran a whole new meaning.
Weiterlesen →“Islamic Charter” of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (ZMD) – A Comment
On February 3, 2002, the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (German: Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland – ZMD) passed an “Islamic Charter”, which is supposed to be a Muslim “manifesto regarding the German state and society”.
Weiterlesen →The noble Qur’an and the translation of its meaning into the German language
Always remembering that according to the tenets of Islam the text of the Koran can never legitimately be translated, only its “meaning” (p. xi), this is certainly the most significant Islamic Arabic-German version to date, even if the Introduction (p. xii) implies at the first glance it is the first ever by completely passing over the Ahmadiyya translation which has been available for decades.
Weiterlesen →Günter Kettermann: Atlas on the History of Islam
This is not only an atlas with numerous maps that illustrate the history of Islam from its origins through the modern age. At the same time it uses numerous articles, charts and pictures to convey much more information about Islam in the Near and Middle East, in Europe and North Africa than the title would allow one to assume.
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