Press Releases

IFI Press Release on the Discussion Concerning Islamophobia

BONN (October 26, 2009) – On the occasion of the trial beginning on Monday, October 26, 2009, in the Marwa el-Sharbini murder case, the scholar of Islam Christine Schirrmacher, from the Institute of Islamic studies, speaks out in favor of the necessary distinction to be made between legitimate criticism of the ideology of political Islam and justified criticism of deficits in integration on the one hand, and a general rejection of all Muslims or even xenophobic offenses against Muslim fellow citizens on the other.

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IFI Press Release on the Influence of Islamic Internet Sites upon Muslim Youth in Germany

BONN (August 17, 2009) – In regard to the question about the factors for integration and de-integration among Muslim youth in Germany, the varied and constantly growing offerings on Islamic websites should be taken into still more stronger consideration, according to the judgement of the Rev. Canon Albrecht Hauser from the Institute of Islamic Studies of the German Evangelical Alliance.

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(Deutsch) Pressemitteilung anlässlich der jüngsten Entwicklungen im Iran

(Deutsch) B O N N (23. Juni 2009) – Eine der Ursachen für die anhaltend starken Proteste im Iran gegen die politische und geistliche Führung des Landes könnte nach Einschätzung der Islamwissenschaftlerin Prof. Christine Schirrmacher vom Institut für Islamfragen der Evangelischen Allianz außer in den Protesten gegen Wahlmanipulation und Machtmissbrauch in der traditionell-historischen innerschiitischen Debatte um die Legitimität politischer Herrschaft liegen.

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IFI Press Release on the Occasion of an Interview with Tariq Ramadan from May 20, 2009

BONN (May 29, 2009) – When, in the Internet portal qantara, a “modern understanding of religious belief on the basis of a separation of state and church” is attributed to Tariq Ramadan, the Egyptian-born Swiss scholar of Islam, then one should pay attention to the exact meaning of the individual key concepts and catchwords used by him in order better to place Ramadan’s understanding of Islam in his overall concept, so the assessment by the scholar of Islam Dr. Christine Schirrmacher from the Institute of Islamic Studies of the German Evangelical Alliance.

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IfI Press Release on the Occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21, 2009

Bonn (March 26, 2009) – Islam scholar Prof. Dr. Christine Schirrmacher from the Institute of Islamic Studies, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, has warned against condemning statements critical of Islam as an expression of racism.

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IfI Press Release on the Occasion of the Scandal at the United Nations Conference Against Racism in Geneva

BONN (April 22, 2009) – The Islam expert and Vice-Chairman of the Institute of Islamic Studies, Albrecht Hauser, in view of the most recent statements by the Iranian president, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, at the United Nations conference against racism which took place in Geneva in April 2009, warns about an increasingly growing and more openly promoted anti-Semitism in the Islamic world and also among Muslim youth in Europe.

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(Deutsch) Pressemitteilung zur Debatte um den islamischen Religionsunterricht

(Deutsch) B O N N (02. März 2009) – Als alarmierende Signale beschreibt Albrecht Hauser vom Institut für Islamfragen die neuesten Vorfälle rund um den islamischen Religionsunterricht in Österreich. Nach einer im Januar 2009 vorgestellten Studie des Islamwissenschaftlers Mouhanad Khorchide, in der er mehr als 200 der knapp 400 Islamlehrer Österreichs befragte, lehnen 21,9 Prozent der Lehrer die Demokratie ab. 27,1 Prozent halten die UN-Menschenrechtserklärung von 1948 für unvereinbar mit dem Islam und 18,2 Prozent äußerten Verständnis dafür, dass ein Muslim, der vom Islam abgefallen ist, mit dem Tod bestraft würde.

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