Tag Archives: Christians

Has the True Gospel of Jesus Been Found?

The time has finally come: the so-called “Gospel of Barnabas” is now available in German. It carries the title “Das Barnabasevangelium. Wahres Evangelium Jesu, genannt Christus, eines neuen Propheten von Gott, der Welt gesandt, gemäß dem Bericht des Barnabas, seines Apostels“ … The German publication of this text was undertaken by a German married couple which has converted to Islam. Both are members of the mystic Dervish order of the Naqshbandiyya, whose roots extend back into the fourteenth century.

The Islamic view of Christians: Qur’an and Hadith

Muslims (sometimes even Nonmuslims) complain about Christians – or Western society – insisting on portraying Islam as “the enemy”. They believe that Christians especially precondemn Muslims whereas Muslims “tolerate” Christians and accept them “without prejudice”. But is that really the whole picture?

Islam and Christianity Nr. 0/2001 (1. Jg.)

  Contents: Editorial How Muslims view Christians – Part 1 (Christine Schirrmacher) “Divine Grace” in the Bible and in the Qur’an (Fritz Goerling) Significance of Muslim tradition (Christine Schirrmacher) Muslim traditions: What is true faith? Book reviews What is “IfI”? Material to order PDF: Islam and Christianity Nr. 0/2001 (1. Jg.)