Tag Archives: Da’wa

(Deutsch) Pressemitteilung zur islamischen Da‘wa

(Deutsch) B O N N (03. Mai 2010) – Auf die systematischen Anstrengungen internationaler islamischer Organisationen, die Einladung (da‘wa) zu einem universal und politisch verstandenen Islam weltweit zu verstärken, macht Albrecht Hauser vom Institut für Islamfragen aufmerksam. Dabei gehe es nicht nur darum, den islamischen Glauben zu verkünden, sondern auch darum, zunehmend islamischen Rechtsvorstellungen Einfluss zu verschaffen und sie in der Gesellschaft zu verankern.

The noble Qur’an and the translation of its meaning into the German language

Always remembering that according to the tenets of Islam the text of the Koran can never legitimately be translated, only its “meaning” (p. xi), this is certainly the most significant Islamic Arabic-German version to date, even if the Introduction (p. xii) implies at the first glance it is the first ever by completely passing over the Ahmadiyya translation which has been available for decades.

Bärbel Reuter: Islam as it is Lived out in Cairo Today by Female Islamists

Bärbel Reuter’s dissertation is a worthwhile compilation of 7 years of studying Islam as it is lived out in Egypt today. In this distinctive study, Reuter presents the opinions and viewpoints of younger women in Cairo who „feel deeply tied to the Islamic movement” (p. 246). This particular spectrum (or stream) of Islam called Islamism affects more than just individual behavior of a believer and how he/she personally applies their religious beliefs, it encompasses every aspect of the participant’s life and is considered an effective force for changing society which in turn brings changes to the political realm.

David Cook: Understanding Jihad

“Islam is peace”. This sentence could be heard especially frequently after September 11 th , 2001, from groups within organized Islam in Germany. It was said that there was no “holy war” in Islam, that “jihad” was to be understood as a moral-spiritual “effort” to walk “on the path of God” (“Great Jihad”). It was proclaimed that Islam abhors every kind of violence against human beings, apart from the right to self-defense (“Small Jihad”). The word “Islam”, of course, has the same linguistic root (s-l-m) as the word “salam” (peace), but is really a different word, and means “submission, devotion”.

Islamic “Mission” (Da’wah)

Muslim apologists (defenders of their faith) frequently emphasize – not least of all in events featuring religious dialogue – that Islam, in contrast to the Christian churches, knows no kind of “mission”. In some cases, even a renunciation of Christian mission is demanded since, as is claimed, it is one of the greatest barriers to dialogue.

(Deutsch) Rezension: Missionarischer Islam und gesellschaftlicher Dialog

(Deutsch) Henning Wrogemann hat sich in seiner Heidelberger Habilitationsschrift einem Thema von großer gesellschaftlicher Tragweite gewidmet, dessen Bedeutung im 21. Jahrhundert noch zunehmen wird. Erst in den Anfängen steckt nämlich in Europa die Erkenntnis, dass nicht nur das Christentum, sondern ebenso der Islam von Anfang an auf Verkündigung und Ausbreitung angelegt war.