Tag Archives: Jews

Is Multiculturalism (Multi-Culti) at an End?

“Multi-culti” – a catchword we all know. A concept that today is looked at rather critically but, in past decades, was to a large extent a guideline for the shared life of Christians and Muslims in Europe, even if by far not everyone was aware of this premise. Multi-culti – a result of an historical development into which we have stumbled rather than consciously planned and controlled. A development that, in addition, resulted from the false intellectual premises that accompanied the contemplation of the migration of Muslim workers to Germany, as well as from indifference and ignorance.

(Deutsch) Neues Buch schildert die enge Beziehung zwischen Adolf Hitler und dem höchsten palästinensischen Gelehrten, dem Großmufti Jerusalems, al-Hadj Amin al-Husseini

(Deutsch) (Institut für Islamfragen, dh, 13.01.2009) al-Husseini soll auch einen Transport mit jüdischen Kindern nach Palästina verhindert haben