Tag Archives: Kultur

(Deutsch) Türkei: Dialog-Konferenz der Minderheit der Mihellemi aus Sorge vor Missionsverdacht nach Europa verlegt

(Deutsch) (Institut für Islamfragen, mk, 21.09.2009) Wegen des Vorwurfs, Mission zu betreiben, wurde die Dialog-Konferenz der Religionen, Sprachen und Kulturen von der Türkei nach Schweden verlegt

(Deutsch) Eine sudanesische Journalistin verschickt 500 Einladungskarten zu ihrer Auspeitschung: Als Begründung wird das Tragen einer Hose angegeben

(Deutsch) (Institut für Islamfragen, dh, 25.08.2009) Sie will ihren Fall öffentlich machen, um über den Grund ihrer Auspeitschung zu informieren

IFI Press Release on the Occasion of an Interview with Tariq Ramadan from May 20, 2009

BONN (May 29, 2009) – When, in the Internet portal qantara, a “modern understanding of religious belief on the basis of a separation of state and church” is attributed to Tariq Ramadan, the Egyptian-born Swiss scholar of Islam, then one should pay attention to the exact meaning of the individual key concepts and catchwords used by him in order better to place Ramadan’s understanding of Islam in his overall concept, so the assessment by the scholar of Islam Dr. Christine Schirrmacher from the Institute of Islamic Studies of the German Evangelical Alliance.

Murad Hofmann: Der Islam im 3. Jahrtausend. Eine Religion im Aufbruch

This book by Murad Hofmann on “Islam in the Third Millennium – a Religion on the Rise” has been published in German only. Murad Wilfried Hofmann, a doctor of law and for many years a German ambassador, has his claim to fame as a cele29 brity. He converted to Islam over 20 years ago, made various pilgrimages to Mecca and has written some very well known promotional materials for Islam.

Is Multiculturalism (Multi-Culti) at an End?

“Multi-culti” – a catchword we all know. A concept that today is looked at rather critically but, in past decades, was to a large extent a guideline for the shared life of Christians and Muslims in Europe, even if by far not everyone was aware of this premise. Multi-culti – a result of an historical development into which we have stumbled rather than consciously planned and controlled. A development that, in addition, resulted from the false intellectual premises that accompanied the contemplation of the migration of Muslim workers to Germany, as well as from indifference and ignorance.