Tag Archives: Ukraine

(Deutsch) Ukraine: 1,5 Millionen Muslime in der Ukraine leben in stark vom Krieg betroffenen Gebieten

(Deutsch) (Institut für Islamfragen, dk, 01.04.2022) Am 27. März 2022 berichtete „CBC News“, die 1941 gegründete kanadische, öffentliche News- und Informationsplattform, über den Krieg in der Ukraine in Bezug auf die muslimische Minderheit: Die muslimische Community in der Ukraine umfasse etwa 1,5 Millionen Menschen, die dort seit Jahrhunderten ansässig seien.

Islamisation in Eastern Europe – A case study of Arraid in Ukraine

The concept of Wasaṭiyya (from al-wasaṭ, middle, in Arabic) has been increasingly promoted in recent years. Originating from the Muslim Brotherhood (al-Ikhwān al- Muslimūn), it is often referred to as ‘Islamic centrism’ and Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī is featured as its major proponent. The stress is on presenting Islam as a moderate and adaptable religion, with focus on families and social participation. The Wasaṭiyya ideas found a fertile ground in some surprising contexts. An example is Ukraine, a predominantly Orthodox country in Eastern Europe. Arraid, a group purporting these principles of Wasaṭiyya, has been gaining influence there among the local Muslim community as well as among non-Muslims.