Schlagwort-Archive: Frauen

Fatwa zu der Frage, ob eine Ehefrau einen falschen Schwur leisten darf, um ihre Ehe zu retten

(Institut für Islamfragen, dh, 29.01.2009) Frage: „Darf eine Muslima einen falschen Schwur leisten, um ihren Ehemann zufrieden zu stellen? Ein Ehemann verlangte von seiner Frau, mit einem Schwur zu bestätigen, dass sie mit keinem anderen Mann außer ihm vor oder während ihrer Ehe verbunden war.“

(English) Is Multiculturalism (Multi-Culti) at an End?

(English) „Multi-culti“ – a catchword we all know. A concept that today is looked at rather critically but, in past decades, was to a large extent a guideline for the shared life of Christians and Muslims in Europe, even if by far not everyone was aware of this premise. Multi-culti – a result of an historical development into which we have stumbled rather than consciously planned and controlled. A development that, in addition, resulted from the false intellectual premises that accompanied the contemplation of the migration of Muslim workers to Germany, as well as from indifference and ignorance.

(English) Muslim Immigration to Europe

(English) Globalization is a subject of great significance for Europe, too. The world has moved closer together. This is true also for the Islamic world and Europe. New chances for the shaping of a shared future in the twenty-first century, as well as challenges, result from this situation.

(English) The Challenge of Islam: Are we equipped?

(English) It would almost seem as though many people in Germany have only started taking notice of Islam since the terrorist attacks of September 11 shook the world. “Terrorism” and “The West” were, in the minds of many people, two separate worlds. Terrorism only happened in far – away countries, like Africa, Algeria, or the Middle – East. Since the aircraft attacks of “Nine-eleven”, and succesive terrorist attacks, often prevented in Europe by the security services, but succeeding in other parts of the world, this perception is changing. The awareness of the existence of Muslim extremism, and it’s potential threat, has increased.

Fatwa: Saudische Frauen müssen ein Auge bedecken

(Institut für Islamfragen, dh, 18.10.2008) Ein Scheich sagt, dass die Sittsamkeit der Frauen vom Gesetz nicht konsequent genug eingefordert werde. Das Zeigen von beiden Augen verursache
einen schlechten Umgang und stehe im Konflikt mit den Grunsätzen des Islam.