Schlagwort-Archive: Prophet

Pressemitteilung zum Weihnachtsfest

B O N N (21. Dezember 2009) – In Diskussionen um gesellschaftliche Integration und interreligiöses Zusammenleben wird nicht selten die Harmonisierung christlicher und islamischer Glaubensvorstellungen gefordert. Sie scheitert aus Sicht von Pfarrer Eberhard Troegers vom Institut für Islamfragen vor allem an den unterschiedlichen Aussagen der Bibel und des Korans über die Identität und Botschaft Jesu.

(English) William C. Chittick: Ibn ’Arabi: Heir to the prophets

(English) William C. Chittick’s book Ibn ’Arabi: Heir to the prophets is part of the series Makers of the Muslim World to be published between May 2005 and May 2009 featuring over 50 volumes. Each volume will consider the life, work and legacy of a man or woman who has shaped the course of Muslim history by his or her contribution to the political, social, cultural, religious or intellectual Muslim landscape.

(English) Revelation and prophethood – Koran and Bible Compared

(English) Whoever reads the Koran from beginning to end will realize that much is said about the “prophets”. They play a key role in the concept of revelation in the Koran – and, of course, for Muhammad and his preaching. The Koran, like the Bible, depicts prophets as mortal humans; however, they have a much more significant role for revelation in the Koran than in the Bible. This is true particularly for Muhammad.