Schlagwort-Archive: Sprache

(English) The Koran. Arabic-German. Translation and commentary by Adel Theodor Khoury

(English) The text of this further German-Arabic version of the Koran is based on the 1987 translation of the well-known Professor emeritus of Religious Science at the Roman Catholic theological faculty of the University of Münster (Westphalia), T. A. Khoury, published in association with leading Muslim theologians including the General Secretary of the Muslim World Congress.

(English) The noble Qur’an and the translation of its meaning into the German language

(English) Always remembering that according to the tenets of Islam the text of the Koran can never legitimately be translated, only its “meaning” (p. xi), this is certainly the most significant Islamic Arabic-German version to date, even if the Introduction (p. xii) implies at the first glance it is the first ever by completely passing over the Ahmadiyya translation which has been available for decades.

(English) H. H. Elsäßer; I. Goldmann: Wortschatz Politik – Wirtschaft – Geographie

(English) In relation with globalisation the political vocabulary of the Arabic language has developed and changed. This dictionary is both recommendable and comprehensive and contains political as well as geographical terms, names of key figures of the international and Arab world and mentions news agencies and organisations.

Fatwa über das Erlernen der englischen Sprache im Ausland ohne Begleitung des Ehemanns

(Institut für Islamfragen, dh, 22.06.2005) Frage: Eine Frau habe ein 6monatiges Stipendium für das Erlernen der englischen Sprache im Ausland bekommen. Ihr Ehemann lehnt dieses Stipendium ab und möchte sie auf dieser Reise nicht begleiten. Die Muslima fragt, ob das islamische Gesetz ihr in diesem Fall erlauben würde, ohne männliche Begleitung (arab. mahram) ins Ausland zu reisen.